Emotional Wellness & Mental Health Resources

    Behavioral Health * Cultural Responsiveness


    Community Behavioral Health Supports Anchored in Culture

  • Centering Cultural Responsiveness in meeting the emotional wellness and mental health needs of underserved and underserviced communities.

    At Aidan Behavioral Health & Consulting, LLC we use cultural knowledge framed by scientific research to inform our approach to consultation, outreach, and training.



    OUR MISSION: Improve access to culturally- responsive emotional wellness and mental health information and resources in historically underserved and underserviced communities.


    Partnerships & Outreach

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    International OCD Foundation Conference

    July 8th, 2023 @

    Panel Facilitator

    "In My Shoes: Highlighting the Realities of the BIPOC and Cultural Road to Recovery"


    Join a diverse group of BIPOC advocates for an intimate discussion about the unique challenges that they have faced on their roads to OCD recovery and how they’ve overcome these unique challenges. This conversation will address topics including but not limited to: culture, race, faith, intersecting identities, and how these factors shape treatment, recovery, and community support. This interactive presentation will be a wonderful opportunity to facilitate a conversation between fellow BIPOC-impacted individuals and raise awareness, break the stigma, discuss opportunities for further action, and bridge the inequality gap. This collaborative space will promote inclusivity and visibility for historically underrepresented groups, and all are welcome.




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    Community Outreach

    Aidan Behavioral Health & Consulting, LLC (ABHC) supports individuals, communities, mental health providers, community agencies, and businesses focused on increasing access to culturally-responsive emotional wellness and mental health resources. ABHC collaborates with agencies and community organizations to host outreach events for underserved and underserviced communities.


    We are always looking to build partnerships and participate in outreach events aiming to combat mental health stigma and remove barriers to accessing behavioral health resources.

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    Aidan Behavioral Health & Consulting, LLC (ABHC) consults with mental health providers, allied health professionals, community agency workers, researchers, professors, clinical supervisors, and policymakers.


    We share our behavioral health expertise and cultural responsiveness knowledge to help community stakeholders plan, organize and implement community programming anchored in culture.


    ABHC seeks to expand our network and engage community stakeholders in combating mental health stigma and removing barriers to evidence-based behavioral health resources.

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    Culturally Responsive Training

    Aidan Behavioral Health & Consulting, LLC (ABHC) facilitates training that connects culture, community lived experiences and behavioral health. Many cultural trainings discuss cultural awareness, cultural competency, cultural humility, and cultural sensitivity. These cultural trainings help providers, staff, and students learn about cultural differences to work more effectively in their service/support role.


    ABHC's cultural responsiveness training builds upon prior cultural knowledge and training experiences to assist providers, policymakers, students, and staff in providing community emotional wellness and mental health services informed by cultural knowledge.


    Typical cultural responsiveness training topics include cultural adaptations of evidence-based interventions, culturally-responsive screening and assessments, and cultural considerations for successful implementation of community mental health programs.

  • Connect with ABHC Staff

    Feel free to contact us for community outreach and consultation opportunities...

    1030 Burlington Lane
    Suite 5/5A
    TUES: 9 am - 6 pm
    WED: 1 pm - 5 pm
    THURS: 9 am - 6 pm
    (502) 276-5096